(now it was like my world went so fucking slowww.. )
i was like.. OMFG..... i was so shock and i wasn't expecting that tittle to be mine. like seriously. OMFG! are you kidding me??!
this is Eddy and fadil.

i would just like to take this moment to thank my kakis for coming all the way from school and and took off from work to just support me. hippo, lala, abu(penyet), mickey,hide,nana, razi, ilyas. yes abu and hippo. u want my frame so bad right. you guys are awesome can! the rest couldn't make it due to FYP and stuff but yes! i want them to come on the finals which i know they will because they are my brothers and sisters in my RP life. always making fun of me and the best part is i get to make fun of them back,with no hatred or get offended. supporting me with what i do. thank you for being there darlings. loads of them. you guys rock my sox. haha.
not forgetting the new family i've made during the competition. the beautiful and awesome people. greatest dudes and babes. firstly i would congratulate everyone that had a tittle to hold for the whole year running till next year! and of cause not forgetting my great great partner, fasihah. (someones drooling over my partner. haha). yes. she got herself Miss body beautiful. ;)
next up is this two bfs fadil & jasmine,Mr & Miss catwalk. suhaizan & aisyah. Mr & Miss favourite. hasiff & adilah, Mr & Miss personality. suhelmi and nabilah, Mr & Miss beautiful smile. amira, Miss phtotgenic. rafli, Mr congeniality. hakeem, Mr body beautiful. congratulation dewa & dewi!

i've always like my photos dramatic. so here goes.

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